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Gen-AI Based
Cloud Security


Zero Trust CNAPP (Cloud Native Application Protection Platform)

Outsmart attackers with advanced CNAPP tool

  • Industry’s most comprehensive and integrated CNAPP solution.
  • AppSec, Agentless Multi Cloud security, and Runtime security capabilities.
  • Unified platform for CSPM, ASPM, CIEM, CWPP, KIEM.
  • Focused on identifying, prioritizing and mitigating cloud security threats & vulnerabilities.
  • Anchored in Open Source CNCF Project, KubeArmor, 600,000+ downloads.
  • Supports Public, Hybrid and Private Clouds.
  • Stay compliant with automated cloud compliance monitoring.

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Secure your cloud with our comprehensive CNAPP tool

Ensure the security of your cloud assets with unmatched protection, from “Build to Runtime”.

Thwart advanced “Zero Day” attacks with a Shift Left approach

  • Static Security – Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
  • Run-time Security – Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP)
  • Integration with Static application security testing (SAST), Software composition analysis (SCA), API protection (DAST)
  • Cloud Identity and Entitlement Management (CIEM)
  • Kubernetes Identity and Entitlement Management (KIEM)
  • Real-time protection from zero-day attacks

Consolidated Visibility into all kinds of Virtualized Infrastructure and Applications

  • Provides comprehensive asset inventory management
  • Vulnerabilities or misconfigurations mapped to assets
  • Simplifies management of risky assets and critical findings combination within one’s infrastructure and application
  • Secures modern workloads (Kubernetes) and legacy workloads (Virtual Machines)
  • Supports All Public Clouds and Private Clouds

Continuous Tracking & Alerting for Compliance

  • Evaluates Cloud infrastructure resources and cloud workloads for compliance
  • Auto-generates Hardening Policies for workload to conform to security best practices outlined by MITRE, NIST, PCI_DSS, CIS benchmarks
  • Generate Alerts on violation of those compliance controls
  • Define customized Baselines and Policies

Defense-in-Depth Approach for your workloads

  • Auto-recommends Zero Trust Policies based on your workload behavior
  • Generates Network Graph at a granular level (pod)
  • Recommends Least Permissive Policies on the basis of process getting executed, network and file getting accessed


AccuKnox Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) Leverages agentless technology to revolutionizes cloud security by proactively identifying, prioritizing vulnerabilities and providing a seamless orchestration and management platform



Runtime Protection Reinvented: AccuKnox Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP) has a differentiated solution built for runtime security, namely, KubeArmor (opensource, now a part of CNCF sandbox project) which leverage eBPF for observability of App Behavior and LSMs for enforcement/in-line mitigation from unknown Zero Day attacks


Code to Cloud Security

AccuKnox AppSec offers a unique solution, seamlessly integrating open source and commercial security scanning tools. Our flexible security posture approach efficiently prioritizes critical vulnerabilities, ensuring a comprehensive protection journey from code to cloud


IoT/Edge Sec

AccuKnox offers a comprehensive security solution that provides benefit from its kernel-level runtime security enforcement and container-aware observability for unparalleled protection.

Some of the most popular project AccuKnox has led
1. LF 5G Superblueprint – SEDIMENT Project
2. IBM Open Horizon Edge Workload Protection


Zero Trust 5G Security

Zero Trust 5G Security

AccuKnox has partnered with SRI International to provide advanced 5G Security for variety of deployment models.