Unified Zero Trust Cloud Security Platform

Zero Trust Cloud Native Application Protection Platform

AccuKnox provides one of the industry’s most comprehensive and integrated CNAPP solutions which brings together multiple disparate security modules such as AppSec, Cloud security, and Runtime security capabilities [CSPM, ASPM, CIEM, CWPP, KIEM] into a single platform focused on identifying, prioritizing and mitigating cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities. AccuKnox is anchored on our Open Source CNCF Project, KubeArmor. We provide an Agentless approach to deliver Cloud Security; the most open and powerful, eBPF [Extended Berkeley Packet Filter] to deliver advanced run-time security.


AccuKnox Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) Leverages agentless technology to revolutionize cloud security by proactively identifying, and prioritizing vulnerabilities and providing a seamless orchestration and management platform



Runtime Protection Reinvented: AccuKnox Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP) has a differentiated solution built for runtime security, namely, KubeArmor (open source, now a part of CNCF sandbox project) which leverages eBPF for observability of App Behavior and LSMs for enforcement/in-line mitigation from unknown Zero Day attacks


“Build to Runtime” Security

AccuKnox AppSec offers a unique solution, seamlessly integrating open source and commercial security scanning tools. Our flexible security posture approach efficiently prioritizes critical vulnerabilities, ensuring a comprehensive protection journey from code to cloud


IoT/Edge Sec

AccuKnox offers a comprehensive security solution that provides benefits from its kernel-level runtime security enforcement and container-aware observability for unparalleled protection.

Some of the most popular project AccuKnox has led:
1. LF 5G Superblueprint – SEDIMENT Project
2. IBM Open Horizon Edge Workload Protection


Zero Trust 5G Security

AccuKnox has partnered with SRI International to provide advanced 5G Security for a variety of deployment models.



AccuKnox Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) tool scans the Cloud Account to analyze Vulnerabilities and Misconfigurations that are present in the cloud infrastructure based on security best practices & benchmarks.

AccuKnox can help you with handling and prioritizing Vulnerabilities

With the ability to mark false positives, Wait for 3rd third-party or Accepted risk, and many more, you get to act on findings that are remediable and contain the SLA.

AccuKnox provides comprehensive compliance reports based on various security governance for third-party assessment operators (3PAO) auditing.

In the Static Security solution, unlike other CSPM tools, AccuKnox provides flexibility to integrate a variety of open source and commercial security scanning tools through built-in parsers to provide you with a composite security posture of your infrastructure. We also correlate and normalize results from a variety of security scanning tools and provide detailed results of vulnerabilities across infrastructure.

Hardening Policies:
These are block-based policies and are suggested according to a compliance framework. It helps to harden the workload against known attacks. Workload hardening and file integrity monitoring can also be implemented using these policies.

Behavioral Policies:
These are allow-based policies and are generated according to Application Behavior. They create a zero-trust environment for the workload. Using these policies you can implement network micro-segmentation and zero trust.

In the ASPM Security solution, unlike other tools, AccuKnox provides flexibility to integrate a variety of open source and commercial security scanning tools through built-in parsers to provide you with a composite security posture of your infrastructure. This is mainly done for the following two contexts:

Remove dependencies and scoped results from one tool Bring in contextual understanding of vulnerabilities and prioritization based on that AccuKnox also correlates and normalizes results from a variety of security scanning tools and provides detailed results of vulnerabilities across your cloud infrastructure.

AccuKnox supports the following types of workloads:

K8s orchestrated workloads: Workloads deployed as k8s orchestrated containers. In this case, Kubearmor is deployed as a K8s daemonset.

VM/Bare-Metals workloads: Workloads deployed on Virtual Machines or Bare Metal i.e. workloads directly operating as host processes. In this case, Kubearmor is deployed in system-deemed mode.