AccuKnox (vs) Wiz

Compelling Reasons to Choose AccuKnox over Wiz

Unlike Wiz, which lacks critical modules like Inline Prevention, AccuKnox offers a comprehensive Cloud Native Application Security Platform (CNAPP), that ensures 100% prevention from advanced "Zero-Day" attacks. Powered by inline runtime security, AccuKnox stops threats before they happen and takes action at cloud speed.


Inline Security (as opposed to post-attack mitigation)

Linux Security Module (LSM) based Runtime Security


Misconfiguration detection based on CIS Benchmark

Misconfiguration detection based on CIS Benchmark

Drift Detection

Support of Baseline for Drift Detection

Minimal IaC security, drift detection and no autoremediation at the source. They can only detect secrets but after deployment of resources.


Compliant with SOC2, STIG, PCI, HIPAA, CIS, MITRE, NIST, and 30 more


Vulnerabilities Management

Segregation of False Positives, least priority, not applicable vulnerabilities from Active ones

Segregation of False Positives, least priority, not applicable vulnerabilities from Active ones

Container Image Scan

Repo Scan - ECR, GCR, Nexus, DockerHub

Regularly scan images in container registries to detect vulnerabilities and security risks before deployment to the runtime environment


Remediation with auto-ticket creation, bulk ticketing, comment-analysis on the ticket. Ticketing integration - Jira Cloud/Server, FreshService, ConnectWise

Partially Supported - With No Automation

Static Code Analysis (SCA)

Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

Runtime Pre Assessment

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Kubernetes Identity and Entitlement Management (KIEM)

AccuKnox is the only KIEM Provider in the Cloud Security Space

Admission Controller

Provide encryption to data stored in the cluster such as secrets and configuration data


Suse, Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Fedora, Rocky Linux, AWS Raspberry Pi; K8s - on-prem (k3s, microk8s, kubeadm), GKE, AKS, OKE, Bottlerocket, IBM, Graviton, Rancher, Openshift, Oracle Ampere; Vm/BareMetal

VMs, containers, serverless, and PaaS – and offers full feature support across AWS, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes, and OpenShift.


Leveraging eBPF for Deep Observability

Not supported

Application Behavior

Model app behavior of Process execs, File System accesses, Service binds, Ingress, Egress connections

Not supported

Auto Recommended Zero Trust Policies

Auto-Discovery of Security Policies contextual to the individual workloads behavior

Not supported

Preemptive Mitigation

Dynamically detect change in app behavior and an option to accept or deny that change

Not supported

Runtime Enforcement

Leverage LSMs (AppArmor, SELinux, BPF-LSMs) to do enforcement

Limited CWPP Features (no runtime)

Workload Hardening

In-line remediation for Zero Day Attacks such as LSMs leveraged for blocking process before its execution

Limited CWPP Features (no runtime)

Hardening Policies

Auto - Recommendation of Hardening Policies based on standard compliance framework - MITRE, NIST, PCI-DSS, CIS

Not Supported Built-in rules and create custom rules using OPA’s Rego querying language


K8s context stitched with kernel events for traceability. Assess Cloud Accounts as well

Limited Kubernetes context (can’t understand Pods, namespaces, services, deployment, k8s API etc) No integration with K8s admission controllers to prevent vulnerabilities (only reactionary)

Network Microsegmentation

Microsegmentation control of the workload

Not supported

File Integrity Monitoring

Support for FIM

Not supported

Cluster Benchmarking

Cluster Benchmarking : Kube Bench; Node, Service : Kube Hunter, Cluster & Kube Role : Kube-RBAC

Not supported

Container Runtime

Container Runtime Support : container, Docker, CRI-O

Not supported

Runtime Security

Runtime Security: To be able to adapt to application behavior changes and recommend least permissive security policy for security

Not supported


Support for SaaS solution as well as Onprem air-gapped deployment solution Agent - CWPP; Agentless - CSPM

Agentless for both CSPM & CWPP


Community Support

KubeArmor: 700,000+ downloads… 50,000+ a month and growing (global leaders consuming and contributing)

Zero Day Attacks cost $3.9M on average

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Stop attacks before they happen!

According to the latest IBM cloud attack report - Each cloud attack on an average costs $3.92M

Total Exposed Attacks in 2024 Costed

~$1.72 Billion
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Researching about Wiz alternatives?

Evaluate how AccuKnox stands apart from Wiz security based on key features, pros and cons. We have compiled a list of solutions that leading organizations compare while considering AccuKnox as a potential Wiz alternative. While analyzing AccuKnox and Wiz side by side you can differentiate competencies, integration, deployment, service, support, and specific product capabilities that will influence your purchasing decision.