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  • Global Leaders & Governments adopt AccuKnox
  • Implement Zero Trust CNAPP
  • Prevent advanced Zero Day Attacks
  • Leverage AI to turbo-charge CloudSecOps
  • Zero Trust security for LLMs (Large Language Models)
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Zero Trust Cloud Security - Definitive Guide

AccuKnox Book

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A comprehensive overview of key concepts and technical details of Zero Trust CNAPP (Cloud Native Application Protection Platform). The book is compiled by cloud security practitioners who specialize in the design, architecture, engineering, development and deployment of Cloud Security solutions. We believe you will find this to be a very informative guide in your journey to implement Zero Trust Cloud Security solutions.


KubeArmor Book

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KubeArmor is a security solution for Kubernetes and cloud-native platforms that helps protect workloads from cloud attacks. One of the key features of KubeArmor is that it provides these hardening policies out-of-the-box, so you don't have to spend time researching and configuring them yourself. This book provides comprehensive information about open-source cloud security implementation to catalyze your journey to Zero Trust.